Thursday 3 December 2009

Paranormal Activity

"The scariest film ever made"? Hmm, I think not, though admittedly fear can be a rather subjective matter. Having said that, Paranormal Activity is undeniably chilling, even for hardened horror fans, and it's such a relief to have a film that relies on suggestion rather than gore for its effect. The fixed-camera night-time scenes are little masterpieces of creeping dread, each segment increasing ever-so-slightly the paranormal incidents (noises, lights switching on and off, footprints ...) so that by the last few, the viewer is anxiously scanning that cunningly composed frame for anything untoward. These parts work because they are interspersed with the domestic scenes bewteen Micah and Katie (motion-sickness inducing camerwork included) Once he gets the camera in his hand, Micah slips into alpha male mode. At first he seems to regard it all as a bit of fun, in contrast to the increasing worried Katie (he tellingly uses the word "cool") and even stops to grab the camera before investigating why his girlfriend is screaming (she reacts with understandable disbelief) It doesn't matter what anyone else says, Micah is convinced that he can solve the problem. Either he doesn't understand how terrified Katie feels or he doesn't really care. Their arguments settle into the same pattern: she accuses him of not understanding what's happening and he accuses her of bringing *this* into the house. Inevitably Micah's actions make matters worse. Rule no. 1 - if an expert tells you NOT to film/antagonize/try to contact the demon that's taken up residence in your house, then don't. By the time Micah truly appreciates the gravity of the situation, it's way, way too late.

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