Friday 23 July 2010


Even a biopic as unconventional (and gleefully unreliable) as Gainsbourg falls prey to the usual pitfall - an inherent fragmentariness, and consequently a largely unsatisfying narrative. Figures come and go, barely leaving any impression (Juliette Greco), while others pop up for a couple of scenes before vanishing (Bardot) Only Jane Birkin has any substantial presence. Gainsbourg himself is an annoyingly self-centred and abrasive figure, and quite how he attracted so many beautiful women is a complete mystery. What does enliven proceedings is the figure of a grotesque alter ego (complete with glowing eyes, Nosferatu-esque fingers and a nose worthy of Pinocchio), a reflection of how Gainsbourg essentially views himself and with all his worst instincts. At those moments, the film reaches another level entirely.

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