Tuesday 27 May 2008

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

I so wanted to enjoy this. OK, so I hated Temple of Doom but I can watch Raiders and Last Crusade time after time and never get bored. It's not exactly a poor film but it doesn't have the breathless excitement and sheer joy of those two earlier films. Plus there are some rather unconvincing stunt doubles (especially during the motorbike sequence) and a bit of dodgy CGI just to distract further from what's actually happening. Perhaps the makers were hoping this would take the audience's mind off the sheer idiocy of the plot - something to do with aliens, crystal skulls, lost cities and equally lost explorers. Oh, and nasty Commies who needless to say get their just deserts. I refuse to believe that Frank Darabont's rejected screenplay wasn't better than the one we've got, and the endless film referencing does become a bit wearisome. Having said all that, it's not a complete waste of time. There's a nice chase in a warehouse that you might just recognize from Raiders and the finale works pretty well, assuming that you buy into the setup. But please, no more. Let Indy hang up his whip and have a quiet retirement.

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