Tuesday 13 May 2008

Joy Division

After Anton Corbijn's Control, which used Deborah Curtis' book as it's inspiration, Joy Division is much more the lads' POV. The refrain "we didn't talk about it" becomes a desperately sad theme. One can't help wondering whether the outcome would have been different if Ian Curtis' bandmates and friends *had* talked to him about his epilepsy and messy romantic life. What remains of course is the music, and what music it is. The moment when Peter Hook's bass line starts is still thrillingly electric, and the songs have stood the test of time better than the work of many of their contemporaries. The documentary doesn't necesarily explain why this is, but it pushes the lyrics into focus as a reflection of Ian Curtis' state of mind, particularly on the startling final album Closer. It appears that even the rest of the band didn't realize just how true to life they were, and the lingering guilt is still palpable behind the bravado. What you take away though - as it should be - is the legacy of the music. The urge to go home and play the albums back to back is overwhelming.

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